Wild thought: Harris - Biden? Swap jobs? Joe can get his handicap back down to 6...

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

The man is really a genius. And he confirms it with a sense of humor.

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Bernie would have the best shot.

Trump's main appeal to his base is that he is being targeted by a deep state and is the sole person who will take on the

corruption in Washington D.C.

Bernie has a legitimate ability to steal Trump's base from him because Bernie actually represents all anti-corruption political reform Trump uses as empty rhetoric. Bernie also does not show the negative consequences of his age like Biden does.

Bernie has also consistently been on the moral, legal side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so he would not suffer from the uncommitted vote from the democrats base.

Plus he singlehandedly out raises all other Democrats from small-dollar donors so his campaign "war chest" is plentiful.

Bernie should be the nominee!

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Michelle Obama with Newsom as VP would be a surefire way to win - recent polling showed her as the only person who beats Trump decisively (50/39). This is a code red situation…how could she not at least be considering it? But assuming the former First Lady hasn’t changed her mind, I think we’ll all be able to get behind Harris.

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Blessings Sir

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Hallelujah brother!

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I really like the idea of Gavin Newsom but California can’t put up 2 nominees on the floor. Another state would have to do it. Last Democratic governor to win was Bill Clinton (which is when James Carville became one of my favorite people)!

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Dreaming a bit here but imagine if we could have someone like a Jon Tester and/or Gretchen Whitmer in the Oval office or as VP. The Dems need to strip themselves of all the baggage from the past (playing the race card, etc) and get back to a clear cut center left position. Whitmer/Tester is just the salt of the earth ticket that would get rid of the coastal elite control of the party.

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That prediction didn’t fly too well, huh?

My sense is that with the headline candidates on both sides having challenges, that the second party (aka VP of the USofA CH) on the ticket needs to step up and demonstrate the balls, guts, street smarts, political instincts and appealing leadership skills that will calm concerns about the “what if” speculations

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From your lips to God’s ears

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I am on my virtual knees begging. James Carville PLEASE offer your services to Harris. With you she will not lose!

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James - I love you - but you are now part of the problem - there are only two options - continue with Joe Biden -or- if he decides to step aside -then Kamala Harris is the ONLY choice - if the Democrats choose anyone else then they lose the black vote - and that will give the elections to that maniac Trump - hopefully we all get together and support Biden - he may be old but he has so much knowledge that nobody else even comes close to - and Kamala is the backup in case anything happens to Joe - and another BIG issue is that it is not only Joe Biden, but his entire support staff that really has done an exceptional job - you lose Biden and you will lose them - I don't see Kamala and whoever as VP being a better choice - PLEASE help STOP the distractions and let's talk about the comparison - that will win the election

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remember HHH in '68? that didn't work out so well, either.

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I hope this insightful advice is taken. I also believe that well Kamala carries some political baggage, the fact that she would inherit the Biden infrastructure, and money and has a lot of name recognition puts her in a very strong position. Andy Bashir would be a great addition as vice president.

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you can't even spell Beshear correctly

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Amen. It's all on the line. God help us.

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The mess the Democrats are in smells like orange blossoms and honeysuckle to me! What James suggests is a certainty that there would be no Democrat on the Ohio ballot. Bye, bye, down ballot races, including Sherrod Brown! It's fantasy anyway. Biden isn't leaving and Kamala definitely isn't doing any Olympic trials. Both Biden and Harris feel entitled to the positions they're in and the ones they want. To think that any Democrat ever is that benevolent or selfless makes me wonder if James Carville ever really understood the mindset of people in his party. Maybe he's a unicorn but everyone else in his party is a Machiavellian who lusts for power over anything else. Regardless, this behind the scenes manipulation of the process makes the party the laughing stock of the world when they claim to be "saving our democracy". The only thing they care about is saving their power. If they really cared about saving our Republic, they would gracefully accept what mess they're in was due to their own wicked hoaxing and gaslighting of the American public and quit trying to avoid the inevitable. The party deserves the most severe punishment for what they've done - a resounding defeat!

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Right...the Republicans who only pass tax cuts for the rich, and have pledged to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are generous souls.

Project 2025 was created by the GOP, not Democrats.

So sick of those who complain endlessly about the government and vote for a party that has loaded up every agency with red tape to make it as hard as possible to claim benefits. The same GOP that has a blueprint for destroying your remaining rights.

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James Carville not understanding the mindset of the people in his own party???! Wow. Do you follow a topic called history? What do you think happened in ‘92 when a complete outsider got the nomination? James’ strategies were instrumental. I think he gets it.

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