Besides the obvious Greek Tragedy that the Bidens an Pelosi starred in, you failed to address the working class voter defection from the Democratic Party that the Clintons coldly spearheaded in 1992 and deepened with Obama's handling of the economy during the devastating financial collapse: not one prosecution following the Great Recession. This is not going to be fixed by a politician. Real change is on the menu.

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Al, couldn’t agree with you more. Other factors, I have to say, were the right’s takeover of the media and Garland’s hesitancy to prosecute. Also couldn’t agree with you more about Pelosi; the “ablest politician of our time.”

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This concentration on the Biden issue misses the point. The real fault for this whole mess resides almost entirely with Republican Party, most if not all of its ‘normal’ members knew who and what Trump was and the threat he posed as far back as his campaign in 2015 And 16. They then watched with increasing concern as he demonstrated his unfitness for the Oval Office for four long years, during which time they surrendered to the siren song of power instead of accepting their responsibility to the country. Finally, and most egregiously, they failed to remove him from the stage following January 6th. All that has followed is on their refusal to accept the responsibility their positions demanded.

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Bingo!! You hit the issues right on the head!!

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