Expect that Trump will walk away from this clean and unchained!!! He and The Muskrat will get their $$$ and be unfettered by it, as well as be elitist when they say that that they DOGED the Federal Gov't... and that they were the only ones who could do it!!!!!! (They may throw in a little bit of French in it, too)

Bluster! This is all Bluster and Testosterone among Elitists....gosh, did we ever screw up filling the office!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, we are all excited that Rachel (The Watchdog) is back on MSNBC 5x a week...but she will have no impact whatsoever other than continuing to be like "60 Minutes" in her research and delivery and exposing the cutting of corners!!!!!!!!

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Biden was not smart enough or competent enough to resist caving to the far left wing of his party. He left the Democratic Party in shambles from which it may never recover.

If the remaining party leaders (whoever they might be) were smart (which they are not) they would look closely at at Trump’s many executive orders (EO’s) and maybe find a few popular ones that they could agree with and then use those along with the more popular positions that they currently endorse as the basis for a resurgence in 2026 and 2028.

So what’s currently in their bag that people don’t hate and what can be done with them to make them more salable to a majority.

First, a woman’s right to an abortion is one but many believe there should be some time limit put on its availability. So consider limiting it to the first trimester except to protect the health of the mother or when the fetus is not viable.

Second, most people are worried about climate change but the intermittent renewable energy sources located far from load centers Democrats are currently pushing will never provide reliable energy. The best answer is nuclear power plants located at existing coal fired plant locations that already have cooling and distribution infrastructure and are located near where electricity is needed. We also should be leading an international effort to develop geoengineering solutions to the problem because we will never reduce carbon emissions in time to stave off disaster.

Third, most people support vaccinations when their development is transparent and their use is voluntary. Use that approach to offset the current anti-vaccine rhetoric of the Republicans.

Back to Trump’s executive orders. There are three worth considering supporting.

The first of these EO’s recognizes that open borders are politically unacceptable and that the age of mass migration is over. Importing millions of people who will work for next to nothing just to be here destroys the wages of working class Americans and drives up housing costs when we can't house our own citizens. People cannot overpopulate their home country and just expect to move to greener pastures. There are no more green pastures. They need to voluntarily reduce their own country's population to an environmentally sustainable level, stay there and work to improve their living conditions.

His second acceptable EO addresses the insanity of gender identity which denies the reality of human sexuality and results in men invading women’s sports, and spaces, and even more diabolical the mutilation of innocent children in pursuit of the impossible.

Finally his EO that corrects the craziness of DEI which discriminates against whites, Asians and men in attempting to cure past discrimination against others is absolutely the correct approach. Who could believe that creating a new privileged class and a new discriminated against class would provide a solution to the problem? Not to mention that it’s clearly unconstitutional.

Would these actions help the Democrats recover? Who knows but absent change there is no hope for them.

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